ADHD Assessments for Adults

ADHD is characterised by 3 core symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity and is now recognised as a lifelong condition, although the severity and impact of symptoms may lessen with ageing. It may be recognised for the first time in childhood or adulthood. A secure diagnosis in adulthood relies on a retrospective assessment of symptoms in childhood in addition to the current symptoms. The prevalence in the UK is thought to be around 2.8% in adults.

Adults with ADHD can have a wide range of symptoms, most noticeably disorganisation, poor time management, forgetfulness and impulsive decision making. All of these may have had a significant impact on childhood and schooling and a current impact on work, home life and relationships. Untreated symptoms can lead to depression and or anxiety. It has been recognised that many adults who are resistant to standard treatments for depression and/or anxiety may have undiagnosed ADHD. ADHD has a strong genetic component and very often a parent undergoing an assessment may come to the realisation that their children, parents or other relatives may also have the condition themselves.

We offer diagnostic assessments for adults.

The assessment is carried out in multiple parts, an initial consultation, a QB test (if advised), followed by a formal structured interview. We strongly prefer that a third party source of evidence is provided regarding the presence of symptoms in childhood, which can be from school reports, a written report from a relative or sometimes the relative may be interviewed. The diagnostic assessment is then discussed in our multidisciplinary team meeting and a treatment plan formulated. If the diagnosis is made there will a full explanation given and treatment options outlined. A full written report will be provided after all assessments.