ADHD Assessments for Children

ADHD is characterised by 3 core symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Some children may be predominantly inattentive and others may be predominantly hyperactive and impulsive. ADHD affects about 5% of school age children. When conducting a diagnostic assessment, consideration is made of the settings where the symptoms are evident (usually home and school) and the significance of their impact on how a child functions in various domains including social, emotional, psychological and educational, when compared to children who do not have ADHD.

ADHD often co-exists with other conditions and careful consideration of this is made during a diagnostic assessment.

Untreated ADHD can have a significant impact on a child's social and emotional wellbeing, inability to achieve their academic potential and cause significant family stress and disruption.

We offer diagnostic assessments for children. The assessment has multiple parts - an initial consultation, a QB check and information from home and school is collected and evaluated. This is followed by a formal structured interview using an internationally recognised diagnostic tool.  A 45 minute interview with a very experienced special educational needs coordinator is included as part of the diagnostic package.

The information is then synthesised and discussed in our multidisciplinary team meeting, where a treatment plan is formulated. A full explanation of the diagnosis and detailed written report is provided.